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Mission Statement

The mission of AASFAA is to provide our members with the highest quality of personal and professional growth opportunities.  We do this by providing ongoing training and access to a broad network of financial aid professionals spanning all types of institutions.

AASFAA members value integrity, honesty, hard work, and camaraderie.  It is through our participation in AASFAA that we exhibit these characteristics and through our daily interactions that we live them.


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Justice Statement

AASFAA fosters a supportive community for its members that honors diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. We recognize a common unity that anchors and enlivens our commitment to inclusion and creates brave spaces for dialogue to happen, through initiatives that promote professional development. We hold ourselves accountable to this intentional vision through fostering an integrated community, and recognizing that each member of our organization brings their own unique perspectives, strengths, and critical inquiries to serve our mission. We will continuously evaluate our commitment to these values through conscious engagement within the communities we serve, and will promote a culture of diversity and inclusion by encouraging involvement and access regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, disability, appearance, professional level, institution type, or membership type.


Appropriate Behavior and Conduct

AASFAA is committed to providing a safe, productive and harassment-free environment at its conferences, trainings, board and committee meetings, and other AASFAA-sponsored events. AASFAA prohibits harassment or discrimination based on race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, ethnicity, national origin, or other protected status. It also prohibits sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), or unsolicited physical contact; and threatening behavior.

These conduct rules apply to all attendees and participants at any AASFAA-sponsored event, including online events. Any violations should be reported immediately to a member of the AASFAA event staff or leadership team; we also expect participants to alert venue staff or security of any dangerous situations, or of anyone in distress.

AASFAA reserves the right to remove any individual from attendance or other participation in any AASFAA-sponsored event without prior warning or refund, and to take additional action as determined necessary, notifying appropriate individuals, and including loss of AASFAA membership.